Wavetable synths are generally able to scan through the members of the wavetable and in many cases create seamless morphing between waveforms. Wavetable format combines many single-cycle waveforms into a single multi-waveform wavetable. Please refer to the Installation Insturctions PDF linked above for details. Maximum benefit is derived by using these with a wavetable synthesis engine such as Serum, Falcon, Pigments, Rapture or similar which is properly designed to process single-cycle waveforms and transpose them over large keyboard ranges using various anti-aliasing techniques.

The three Wav formats are designed to be universal and work with any synth or sampler that supports Wav import. ABS, ALC, and MS formats are proprietary to these respective hosts and fully tested and tightly integerated with the host to maxmize ease of use. The Galbanum Architecture Waveforms 2010 collection is offered in 7 different fomats: Wavetable, 64bit-FP Wav, 32bit-FP Wav, 24bit Wav, Native Instruments Absynth GLY, Camel Audio Alchemy OSC/LFO, and U&I Software MetaSynth Wave.